Competency 4
The fourth competency of the AU MPA program is “To articulate and apply a public service perspective”. For this competency the artifacts chosen are the leadership and reflection assignment from the seminar in Leadership coursework. This assignment helps identify collaborative leadership and also the difference in leadership styles.
Leadership Interview and reflection
This assignment part of the seminar in leadership requires to forecast about participative leadership by interviewing two leaders in an organization and their goals for the organization. For this assignment we were tasked with crafting a Philosophy that captured our leadership style along with our motivations for public service. This assignment helped gain insight on the leadership roles of the leaders and understand their different ethical system followed by them and their perspectives. Please click here to view the artifact.
Literature review of talent retention in nonprofit organization
The second artifact for this competency is a literature review assignment for talent retention in nonprofit organization. The assignment focuses on analyzing different journal and newspaper articles understanding the retention of skilled personnel to work in nonprofit organization. This artifact as a whole helped me understand a public service perspective and thereby helped articulate and propose a standpoint on the issue described above.Please click here to view the artifact.