Diversity and inclusion planning is adopted by many cities in the recent past and many have set strategies and tools to implement it. The tools obtained by me in this project is taken by the diversity and inclusion planning guide obtained by the City of Beaverton in Oregon. The City of Beaverton has proposed a set of pillars upon which the diversity and inclusion planning for the city rests upon. The tools include language access, individual and family support, public safety, economic opportunity, infrastructure & livability, health & wellness, City practices and multicultural center. The previously mentioned tools were proposed based on the status quo of the city of Beaverton. Out of the mentioned tools, 5 tools are handpicked and chosen for the diversity and inclusion planning project for the city of Opelika. The tools are chosen in such a way that it suits the city and has more chance of improvement upon implementing.The tools chosen for the city of Opelika is picked in such a way, it could be used at any piece of location in the city which would be possess the need for diversity and inclusion. To make the project more comprehensive, the five tools are put together with the help of a single weapon using the Kobetsu kaizen approach. The kobetsu kaizen approach is used in automobile industries for continuous improvement of a production line.The tools put together as a weapon has different characteristics if its own, and performs different tasks on the same production line. For example, if a production line has 10 machines in a row manufacturing a single component, the kobetsu kaizen approach makes sure that every component require to make the component are in a good shape, if not makes changes then and there to implement change. In the similar way, the same approach in this project. The weapon created by me has five different tools, when implemented works on five individual characteristics which is developed to improve the state of diversity and inclusion in the particular place. In this case of diversity and inclusion planning, certain attributes which would contribute to the diversity and inclusion planning are used as a set of tools and applied at a desired location in the City of Opelika. The tools are created from the inclusion and diversity guidelines used for the City of Beaverton in Oregon. The output and certain attributes of the diversity plan also focuses on the diversity and inclusion planning used by Canadian Cities.
Language Access Individual and Family Support Economic Opportunity Infrastructure and Livability Health and Wellness